Camcon Dry Film Negative Photoresist is durable and accurate. It comes in two thicknesses, 1.3 Mils and 1.5 Mils. Our Presensitized Boards are coated with DFR-13.
Dry Film Resist, 1.3 Mils Thick, 125' x 12" Roll with a 3" Core, includes 150' Kraft Paper
Roll with a 1" Core, for use on BTL-121B
Dry Film Resist, 1.5 Mils Thick, 125' x 12" Roll with a 3" Core, includes 150' Kraft Paper
Roll with a 1" Core, for use on BTL-121B
We can also offer the DFR-15 in wider and longer rolls. Please email or call with your requests.
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